Connect My Sales is a web-based service and requires no software downloads or installations. After subscribing, you will receive further details on configuring Connect My Sales for your e-commerce store. Connect My Sales requires an active Bigcommerce, Shopify or WooCommerce store and Infusionsoft app (Infusionsoft account must have the E-Commerce feature).
In addition to transferring data, Connect My Sales also applies product tags for each product purchased, allowing you to initiate campaigns to followup with customers regarding their specific purchase.
Additionally, Connect My Sales creates “product” Tags (Tags named after each product ordered) and assigns those to the Contact. You can use this feature to initiate campaigns for upsells and/or replenishment follow-up emails.
In addition to creating products in Infusionsoft, Connect My Sales also creates corresponding Infusionsoft Tags for those products. These tags are applied to the Contact in Infusionsoft.
This features makes identifying customers who have purchased products easy, but also enables you to create tag-applied goals in Campaign Builder. By creating tag-applied goals, you can add the Contact to a Campaign as soon as they purchase a specific product or set of products!
Tag-applied goal-driven Campaigns can be used to:
It’s no doubt that this feature can help you to keep the conversation going with your customers to encourage additional purchases!