Beyond transferring customer, product and order data to Infusionsoft, Connect My Sales also provides you the ability to automate campaigns.
For each order transferred to Infusionsoft, Connect My Sales will trigger a goal in Infusionsoft which you can use to initiate an order-based followup sequence. That sequence may send a more personalized thank you note or may wait a specified period of time before encouraging the customer to visit your site again. The actions you wish to complete are up to you!
Additionally, Connect My Sales will automatically create product tags associated with each product a customer orders — and then assign these tags to the customers. The result — you can create campaigns to target customers who have purchased specific products using tag-applied goals. For instance, you can follow up with a customer who purchases a specific product to promote related or accessory products — you can include a discount code in the email to further entice them. For consumable products, you can configure an appropriate timer delay, and then follow up with customers to remind them it’s time to reorder.